Math 121 Topology

Robert E. Greene

Spring 2009

121. Introduction to Topology. (4) Requisite: course 131A. Metric and topological spaces, completeness, compactness, connectedness, functions, continuity, homeomorphisms, topological properties.

TEXT: T. Gamelin and R. Greene, Introduction to Topology, 2nd Ed., Dover.

GRADES: 2 exams will be given, each worth 20% . The Final Exam is worth 50% . The collected and graded homework assignments will be worth 10%.
Exam dates will be announced in class and on this site. Homework will be given each Friday and due the following Friday.

Here is your 1st Homework Assignment . Click here, then print.

Solutions for HW #1

Here are some notes from the lecture on Friday April 3.

Here are some notes from the lecture on Monday April 6.

Here is your 2nd Homework Assignment . Click here, then print.

Solutions for HW #2

Here are some notes from the lecture on Monday April 13 and Wednesday April 15

Here are some notes from the lecture on April 17

Here is your 3rd Homework Assignment .

Solutions for HW #3

Sample problems for Exam I

Solutions for EXAM I

Here are some notes from the lecture on Friday May 1 .

Here is your 4th Homework Assignment .

Solutions for HW #4

Here are some notes from the lecture on Friday May 8: Why all Norms on a Finite-Dimensional Vector Space are Equivalent .

Here are some notes from the lecture on Monday May 11: Why Finite Dimensional Subspaces are always closed and Banach Spaces cannot be countably infinite dimensional .

Here is your 5th Homework Assignment .

Solutions for HW #5

Here are some notes from the lecture on Wednesday May 13: General Topological Spaces

Here are some notes from the lecture on Monday May 18: Urysohn's Lemma for Metric Spaces

Here are some notes from the lecture on Monday May 20: How Urysohn's Lemma implies the Tietze Extension Theorem: the Pictorial Version

Sample problems for Exam II

Here is your 6thHomework Assignment .
Solutions for HW #6

A Quick Tour of Basic Ideas of Algebraic Topology

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Webmaster: Paige Greene

Paige, Webmaster ( This is my cat Shale)